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Dr. Caitlyn McHugh-Glab, O.D.


Photo of Dr. McHughDr. Caitlyn McHugh-Glab was born and raised in Hoffman Estates, IL. She received her Bachelor of Science in Biology from Illinois Wesleyan University and went on to attend the Illinois College of Optometry (ICO) in Chicago, IL, where she graduated summa cum laude. During her time at ICO, she was inducted into the Gold Key International Optometric Honor Society, Tomb and Key Honor Society, and Beta Sigma Kappa Honor Society. She gained experience in pediatric eye care, vision therapy, specialty contact lens fitting, and primary care optometry during her clinical rotations.

Dr. McHugh-Glab examines patients of all ages for primary eye care and contact lens fittings, but has a passion for working with children. She has a special interest and expertise in myopia management. She’s certified to fit MiSight contact lenses and Paragon CRT contact lenses for overnight correction of nearsightedness (Orthokeratology). She is an active member of the American Optometric Association and Illinois Optometric Association.

In her free time, Dr. McHugh enjoys reading, baking, and spending time with her husband, John Paul, her son, Emmett, and goldendoodle, Olive.

Feedback from our community:

Focused Eye Care is a gem! Dr McHugh is a caring, compassionate physician who goes above and beyond to make you feel comfortable with every aspect of your examination. She is so thorough in answering any of my questions or concerns. The entire staff is great and I always feel so taken care of when I walk out the door!